
Black Lives Matter Protests Across the World

Written by: Dr Zahid Parvez, Rector Markfield Institute of Higher Education

I attended a Black Lives Matter protest held in Wolverhampton (07 June 2020) at which a few thousand people were present. This anti-racism rally reminded everyone how the disease of racism continues in our societies and world. While we are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, the virus of racism continues to manifest itself in different ways across the world. People are being treated unjustly and discriminated against in all areas of life solely because of the colour of their skin.

Racism and xenophobia are diseases in society that root social injustice and create mistrust and hostility between people, leading to disruption of peace and harmony. Discriminated communities are pushed into ghettos, and their development and positive contributions to society is significantly hindered. To build cohesive and just societies, we must break down the barriers that divide us along the lines of colour and devote more efforts to get to know and work with each other – as ignorance of each other breeds mistrust and racism.

In Islam, racism and xenophobia have no place. One colour being better than another colour has no scientific bases – this is rather a social construct based on ignorance of human nature. Islam teaches that all humans are sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. The best amongst us are those who are pious, God-conscious, and who are active in good and positive actions. Islam brought the black and white, Arab and non-Arab, and people of the East and West together into one shared faith and identity without the need for elaborate and expensive racial equality bodies and enacting laws. A belief that we are all decedents from Adam and Eve cut the roots of all forms of racism and xenophobia – such a belief has transformative powers as it provides a vision of human brotherhood.

We must learn that racism and any form of injustice only erode peace and harmony and end up, if not checked, in violence. People must reject all forms of racism and xenophobia so that all citizens are able to join hands and focus their abilities and energies on the issues that matter to our society.

“ O People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should recognise one another. In God’s eyes, the most honoured of you are the ones most mindful of Him (pious and moral): God is all-knowing, all aware.” (Qur’an 49:13)

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