Keep Boxer Kelvin Bilal Fawaz in the UK

Bilal “Kelvin” Fawaz who is well known within the amateur boxing circuit is being held and threatened with deportation back to a country of which he has no family or origin. He represented Stonebridge and has also represented England over five times. Bilal is an upstanding member of our country who is role to his peers and all young people and has won many accolades such as the prestigious England Boxing Amateur Elite Title. 

A boxing champion who has fought for England several times is locked in an immigration centre pending deportation to Nigeria – a country he’s competed against. Bilal Fawaz, also known as Kelvin, London’s current middleweight boxing champion, arrived in the UK from Nigeria at the age of 14 and has even represented England on six occasions. However, the 29-year-old’s leave to remain has expired and for the past week he’s been held in an immigration centre he says is “like prison”, pending his deportation to the West African country. The Home Office has rejected Bilal’s numerous applications for residency and declared his marriage to a British citizen void.  Read the full story:

We ask that you sign this petition to help keep Bilal “Kelvin” Fawaz in the UK.

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